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             Life and Legacy Publishing

How it Works: The 5 Phases

Call. Questionnaire. Interview. Write. Publish.

We begin with a call.  Here we discuss what you have in mind for the project: who it's for, who will be contributing, and what type of book you want -  right down to the preferred writing style.   Here, a quick overview of the subject's life will be discussed, including age, career and family composition. 


Next, a questionnaire is sent to those who you have decided will be interviewed.  This is to get the gears turning and to help you recall details about the subject's life.  

Now the interviews begin.   These are guided interviews and it will be our job to help you recall the details and stories you want included.  After the interview, the subject may give photos or other supplementary materials (journals, notebooks, calendars) to be reviewed. 


After the details have been gathered, the following weeks are spent writing the subject's story.  Expect follow up calls in order to fill in the gaps that weren't addressed during the interview. 


Finally, after reviewing the writing, your book is published.  All packages include free copies of the work, and with permission the completed book is posted for sale on the online market where additional copies can be bought by family, friends and the general market.  A share of online earnings are always made available for Life and Legacy clients.  Beyond this, the legacy of you or a loved one is cemented and preserved for ages to come!

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